Thursday, July 23, 2015

8 years ago today

8 years ago today, I woke up on my friend's couch next to my then husband. We had to get up early and headed to the hospital. It feels like a dream now and I can't even tell you what I was thinking then. Even as we drove I didn't feel like I was miscarrying. I was spotting but that was about it, nothing big, no giant red flags or flashing lights. When we got to the hospital, we went to pre-op and they got me ready to go back. One moment I will never forget is when the nurse asked me to go pee in a cup and then went to do whatever test they do on it. I was talking to my friend when the nurse came back in and looks me dead in the eyes and asked, "Did you know you're pregnant?" Yep, the nurse who was getting me ready for my D&C just asked if I knew I was pregnant. I could have killed her. Instead, my friend calmly asked her if she knew what I was here for and the nurse looked at my chart and looked like someone just smacked her. I was in tears by this point and the nurse excused herself and sent in a new one.

When I woke up from surgery, a male nurse was standing next to me talking. I felt sick from the anesthesia, so he gave me some medicine for pain and my stomach. I felt like I was in a daze. My husband came back and after I was able to keep some food down, they let them take me home. The next few days were a complete haze. I don't think I took my husband to work or watched my niece for at least a couple days after. I was a mess, but after I physically healed, I made myself too busy. I had so much going on so I wouldn't think of what had just happened. After that my marriage dissolved quickly, we divorced less than 5 months later. I swore off ever having kids and started taking the pill religiously.

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